Seneca the Elder once wrote: "Quaedam iura non scripta sed omnibus scriptis certiora sunt" (Some laws are not written but they are better established than all written ones). What was he talking about? Which laws was he referring to?

Um teaches that nine natural laws govern our planet, each one of the nine planets of the solar system, the solar system itself, every planet of the cosmos, whether life is there or not, and the cosmos itself. These nine laws are the metaphysical tools which make up HINEA. In the Bassa cosmology, the nine laws which rule the universe are: 1) LIJO (complementary contradictions), 2) NYINGHA (motion), 3) NJOM (causality), 4) MAHOL (evolution), 5) PUN, or MAPUN, or MAPUNA (compensations), 6) OT (natural attractions), 7) NON, MANON, or TOLAMANON (cycles), 8) NYONGEN (hierarchy) and 9) NGWEY (symbolic correspondences).

In the five examples given above, what is at play is simply the heroes manipulating these nine metaphysical laws. If you master cosmosemantics, you can do the same thing. The interactions of alchemical laws and the manipulations of the cosmic forces and their reactions in the body cells are one essential part of cosmosemantics.


1) COMPLEMENTARY CONTRADICTIONS: Contradiction is the capacity to state the contrary of what is, here and now; and a complement is a quantity needed to make a thing complete. Complementary contradictions will therefore be those contradictions (like light and darkness, hot and cold, man and woman) which, when they come together, are able to create or/and sustain life. Remember that for a fight to take place, both parties must be willing to fight. Each time you indulge yourself in a fight, you enact the law of complementary contradictions.

2) MOTION: Anything that changes a place is set in motion. Leaves moved by the wind, a dog running... yourself walking apply the law of motion.

There are nine known motions: 1) Vertical motion with acceleration equals gravity equals 9.8 meter per square second downward, 2) Horizontal motion with acceleration equals zero when velocity is constant, 3) Rotational motion, 4) Parabolic motion, 5) Oscillatory
motion, 6) Vibratory motion, 7) Torsion motion, 8) Sinusoidal motion, and 9) Wave motion.

3) CAUSALITY or CAUSATION: Relationship between the agent of bringing something about and the effects caused by this agent. For example, if the land is wet, it is because it has rained.

4) EVOLUTION: Series of movements (process of change) in a particular direction. When you hear that man evolved from ONE monkey, a process of change had occurred.

5) COMPENSATIONS: Reparative equivalence between effects and causes. For instance, the tremendous strength of a crippled person's arms compensate for the loss of his legs.

6) NATURAL ATTRACTIONS: The natural power to draw toward oneself by emotional and/or aesthetic appeal. It's no secret that women attract men, which says that women have a natural power to draw men toward them by aesthetic appeal.

7) CYCLES: Period of time occupied by a series of events that repeat themselves regularly and in the same order, a recurring round of events, the seasons for example.

8) HIERARCHY: Things arranged in ranks, or graded series. Teachers like to apply this law in classrooms when they give grades and rank their students.

Hierarchy is the central law because it's the chemistry law. The periodic chart of the elements is a ranked series.

9) SYMBOLIC CORRESPONDANCES: Agreement between these first eight metaphysical laws at particular moments. When someone beats gravity and say, walks on water, he is applying the law of symbolic correspondences.

These laws work individually (diachrone) and, at the same time, interact with one another (synchrone). Picture the cosmos as a gigantic computer which collects information from each law and as a result of these interactions, re-injects all the information processed back into the system and the cycle begins anew. The unity of the cosmos is a functional unity from which every planet benefits. The cosmos benefits from the birth or death of each star. The cosmos benefits from the birth or death of every human being. The cosmos benefits from the birth and death of every creature.